Friday, February 26, 2010


Getting a tattoo is a really great experience but there are a few things that people need to be aware before they decided to jump on the tattoo ship. Just like anything in the world their are negatives and positives to something. This is no different when you are considering getting a tattoo. However, there are some tattoo don'ts that people need to be knowledgeable about.

Below is a list of tattoo dont's. If you follow these suggests you should have a great tattoo experience.

* Don't administer self- tattoos: Attempting to give yourself a tattoo is extremely dangerous and more often than not can lead to infections or some serious health complications. Believe it or not there is an art to tattooing. You have to know how deep to penetrate the skin and every location on your body is different.

* Don't get your tattoo done in an unsanitary place: Sterile and clean tattoo equipment and supplies should always be used for tattoos. Make sure that the tattoo artist opens fresh needles for every customer and that they always wear disposable glove.

* Don't let an infection go: If you have any doubts about your tattoo looking red or extremely sore, you need to contact a doctor immediately.

* Don't going swimming: Stay away from pools, the oceans or baths for at least 4 weeks after your get your tattoo. Believe it or not is can cause the ink to fade really quickly.

* Don't play in the sun: The sun is your tattoo's number one enemy. Stay away from the sun or tanning bed until your tat is fully healed and always wear an SPF of 45 or higher when exposed to the sun.

* Don't drink or take drugs: Drinking alcohol thins your blood which will cause you to bleed more, which is not a good thing because the tattoo artist may have a harder time do good work if you are a heavy bleeder.

Your Tattoo Friend


Ashley enjoys writing on her Tattoo themed blog at please stop by and drop a comment.

For more information and access to over 15,000 tattoo designs online, check out Ashley's